Lusk Street Master Plan

5-story podium (4 over 1)

This location comprises 5 city blocks that currently serve as oil tank storage. It is situated in an underutilized area, just 3 miles southwest of downtown Boise's vibrant core. The site is on the famous greenbelt, a parkway, and a bike path connecting outlying communities with the Boise River and downtown.

The site is bounded on each end by public parks and has easy access to the freeway. At the center of Curtis Junction lies an old railway line that cuts diagonally through the site, providing space for public gatherings with interesting geometries. The master plan for this area includes high-density housing, neighborhood retail footpaths, bike paths, and an easy connection to downtown. The place's aesthetic will reflect its industrial roots, with architectural elements, gritty warehouse-type lofts, and eateries celebrating Boise's love for adventure and the great outdoors.


Darin Bell




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